
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Wednesday 31 May 2017

30 Things Before I Turn 30

Wednesday 31 May 2017

I recently wrote my 20 things I want to do before I turn 20, which made me think about the things that I want to do before I turn 30. These things are slightly more ambitious but honestly, I think achievable. Here they are:

1. Bungee Jump

2. Hot air Balloon

3. Get my Dive Ticket

4. Visit Every continent

5. Have lived for at least 3 months in another country,

6. Travel somewhere that speaks a different language.

7. Run a marathon

8. Own a pair of 'Christian Louboutin' shoes.

9.  Buy a house or investment property

10.  Finish my BA

11. See 'Bring me The Horizon' live. The are my current favorite band and they came to New Zealand this year and I didn't get to see them which I am extremely bummed about.

12. Learn a language 

13.  Get my 3rd tattoo and maybe 4th and 5th.

14. Try surfing. ~my balance is $hit so I know how this will turn out~

15. Travel somewhere alone.

16. Swim with sharks.

17. Learn to play the Piano ~again~

18. Create a family tree.

19. Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal

20. Test drive my dream car.

21. Watch a meteor storm.

22. Climb a mountain 

23. Eat something that repulses me (Like exotic not vomit worthy)

24. Go to a music festival

25. Go on a date with someone totally, not my type.

26. Pay off my student loan. 

27.  Go on a spontaneous holiday.

28. Go to the boxing day races.

29. Volunteer on Christmas Day

30. Take a flying lesson.

What are things you want to do before your next big birthday? Have you done any of these things or want to do any of these things? 
Let me know in the comments below. 
Wednesday 24 May 2017

My Three Favourite Blogs

Wednesday 24 May 2017
I love blogging and I love reading other peoples blogs. I go through phases of what kind of blogs I like and read however these are my current three favourites that I am in love with.

1. Nerd About Town
I started reading Stephanies blog probably around 8 months ago. I have loved it ever since, she posts about everything from confidence to fashion and beauty. Stephanie is one of the many bloggers I aspire to be like. She is beautiful and the honesty in her posts is appreciated. She speaks the truth about her own vulnerablilities and honestly she has been a huge motiviation for me to keep blogging and has helped massively with my personal confidence.

2. Life as Lois May 
I feel like Lois Mays' blog and mine are similiar in many ways. we blog about similiar things and we are also both students the only massive difference is the fact that her flatlays are significantly better than mine. Lois May is relatable and definitely one of those people that seem truelly genuine.

3. Poppy Deyes 
I feel like I couldn't write this list without adding Poppy to the mix. I have no doubt that you have probably come across Poppy's blog. She's definitely one of the bigger bloggers out there and for a very obvious reason her content is intereting, relatable and her flatlays are beautiful.

I obviously could've added another ten bloggers easily to this list however I wanted to keep this one short and sweet.

Do you want to know more of my favourite bloggers? Do you love any of these bloggers as much as I do?
Let Me Know In The Comments Below.
Sunday 21 May 2017

Why I'm studying Politics and Some Questions For You.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Okay, as you may know, I am doing my BA majoring in Politics and Psychology. I have spoken about why I am studying psychology so many times and I am sure you all know why however I never speak about politics on here or on any public space mainly because it is a huge argument starter and I'm not into that. The reason I decided to study politics was to understand the world ewe live in more and how it works. At the end of the day, most of us have the decision whether we vote or not and while I have always understood that it is important to exercise that right it doesn't mean I have always understood how politics works but not only that what happens in terms of politics internationally.

I think politics is best defined as "Politics is both everything and nothing" and I think it is important to acknowledge that it is what we make it.

Politics is also closely related to security, We are seeing that at the moment with Trump and North Korea and so today I have a few questions that I would love for you to answer in the comments below.

I have an assignment for one of my politics classes at the moment that requires me to get other people's opinions on politics/security and thus I have some questions for you all.

What is security to you? This may be on a personal scale or internationally.

Do you trust your government to make decisions on issues that could affect the security of your country? why or why not?

Do you feel 'safe' in your everyday life? why or why not?

Do you think politics and security should be so entwined?

Do you think political diplomacy is the best solution to security risks such as North Korea or is a more violent approach necessary?

Feel free to answer these questions below I would love to know what you think.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

May Life Update: New Job, Exams, Blogging & What's Next?

Tuesday 16 May 2017
Honestly I wasn't going to write this post becasue I didn't want to. Life has been crazy lately.

What have I even been up to?

  • Uni Assignments
  • Started a new job
  • studying for Exams
  • Secret project
I would also like it noted several friends have called me crazy for having the schedule I have but i wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Uni & Exams
Uni this month hass been crazy, I have three essays due on the same day, another two the week after that and exams in a few weeks. I feel stressed and moody. I have to get decent grades this year as well in orde rto get into post-grad so that is a whole lot of added pressure. I am also going to do a blog post soon on why I chose to go to uni  and also what i want to do after uni. The reason I am goin gto write a whole blog psot on this topic is because it has changed so much and ove rthe last month I hve made some big decsion (which I am still notcertain on) and I want to share with you guys as my readers what my fears are and what I am excited for in the future.  I also have exams coming up so I have been busy preparing for them.

New Job
If you follow me on twitter you will know that I have started a new job. It sort of came out of no where I applied for a job months ago and I didn't hear back so thought nofting of it, I ha also since got another job although it was garnateeed hours which made thigs difficult. I then got a call last week for another position at this company (after a week of calling eachother bak nad fourth getting voicemal) that I appie for mothns ago and they asked if i could come in for an interview the next day, I did as my attitude was very much what's the harm. I went to the interview honestly, with the mindset I wasn't going to get the job, and well I was worng they offered me the job on the spot and I started a couple of days after. I also had a phone call that same week about another interview which I then cancelled because in all honesty I was not interested in that job at all. Thus I ahve started a new job and about an hour ago i got a message asking if  i was interested in another job, I have literally had job offers all ove rht eplace however I like the job I am currently in and thus the job offer i got a few hours ago will stay at just a job offer.

That's all I can really talk about in terms of the secret project once I am able to talk about it I will, it is hugely personal and very exciting. 

What's Next? 
  • 1 post per week until July ( I will now be publishing posts on Wednesdays at 8pm NZST)
  • Continued Mental Health Series
  • Potentially vlogs if you guys want to see them??
  • Relationship Series
Would you like to see vlogs? What are you most excited about?
Let me know in the comments below.

Next Post: Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes (17th May 8pm NZST)

Friday 5 May 2017

Dear Future 30 Year Old Me

Friday 5 May 2017
I published a blog post last week of 20 things I want to do before I am 20 and writing a letter to my 30 year old self was on the list so here I am writing this letter!

Dear 30 year old me

When you are reading this it is going to be the year 2028 and honestly that sounds like some time travel scary future place, but if you have survived this long you have done well. I have also just turned 19 about a week ago so you are still young and naive.

I have so many questions!! Are you doing psychology or have you decided to do politics? Maybe something completely different? Do you still have your blog? Are you in a relationship? Are you married? You wanted to get married at 30 and engaged at 28, did that happen? Do you have kids, honestly I would be suprised if you do because at the moment you are unsure when or if you want kids but definitely not before 32. If you are married to who? Do I know them now? I would be suprised if I do know them  although there are some potential contenders ;)

Right now I am sitting in bed with freshly painted nails, cramps and whole lot of unnesacery make up on. Have you mastered painting your nails yet, we have always been crap at that. So I stopped writing this letter last night and i resuming writing now instead of finishing my politics essay, but i am drinking tea and eating popcorn so it's a goodnight. At the moment you have so many aspirations I hope you get to fulfil them and you have achieved everything in your career that you have wanted to.

You have been through so much in your life, both things you talk about and things you don't, I hope you see all those things as lessons and don't hold any regret towards the events and people in your past. I hope that you anxiety has continued to improve and your depression is still under control. I hope you are truly happy and you have embraced the good and the bad.

Have you had your heartbroken yet? You've been through some crao break ups at the moment but honestly you've never had your heart broken. You have also loved someone but never been in love, has that changed? Honestly, in terms of relationships I hope you ae just happy wether you are with someone or you are alone. Right now, you have a little flirtation with a guy (I know i don't have to say his name because you and I both remember who) but you also don't want a relationship with him because well you don't want a relationship. You don't want a relationship at the moment for several reasons; relationships are scary, and honestly you do not have time. but he is a lovely guy and honestly you have done well there.

I know this is a short letter but I hope you are happy and you have got to experience all the things you have wanted to.

your 19 year old self

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Health & Fitness Changes I Have Made

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Friday 28 April 2017

20 Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 20

Friday 28 April 2017

Wednesday 26 April 2017

19 Things I Have Learnt In 19 Years

Wednesday 26 April 2017

It was my birthday yesterday, and while it was a very chill day I reflected on the things I have learnt over the last 19 years. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly these are the things I wish I had known and have learnt over the last 19 years:

1. It doesn't matter what other people think about you

2. Crash diets dont work, it's about living a healthy lifestlye with balance

3. quality friends are more important than quantity.

4. If you don't workout and eat well 90% of the time you will get fat

5. Talk about your problems, ignoring them wont make them go away

6. Not everyone will be in your life forever

7. Relationships will happen if they are suppose to be it you force it, things won't work out.

8. Life is hard.

9. Do things for yourself

10. People are sexist af and the gender wage gap is real and shitty

11. Your mental health is important so look after it just as much as your physical health

12. You will probably hate your part-time job while at uni

13. You can make all the excuses in the world not to workout but that isnt going to hange anything

14. If you want something, go after it.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

April Life Update: Back To Blogging, Mental Health And VLOGGING???

Tuesday 25 April 2017

What a month April has been! Not going to lie, it has been actually pretty shit.My last blog post was the 24 of march, which was exactly a month ago. I took a break becasue I needed to focus on myself and my health. So what have I actually done??
A lot of personal things have happened however they are to do with family so I'm not goingto discuss that stuff but in terms ME a lot has happened.

Health and Fitness: The last month I have changed the way I eat, eating healthy whole foods, but also if I want chinese for donner or a piece a cake I will -but I won't over do it.I have also started walking which has turned into running. On June 11 I am doing a 5km run/walk and on October 29th I am doing a 12km. I am super excited about both of these becuse it gives me a goal to work towards that I can challenge myself with. Also I have lost 6kgs (and that was after Easter) which wasn't even on purpose. Change your mindset and stop making excuses. I am also starting vlogging so I can vlog my health and fitness journey.

Friday 24 March 2017

A Balanced Lifestyle

Friday 24 March 2017

A balanced lifestyle is important and something that I am realising more and more. I haven't lived at home for over a year now and I have learnt a lot in that time. For example, exercise isn't optional ~I know, what right?~ but also that it isn't important that we have a balance of work and play. Right in this moment of time i am potentially the opposite of a balance life as I am writing this post at 2:10am and just finished part of an assignment about 20 minutes ago, but normally I am pretty good ~well, as good as someone my age can be~. One of my goals this year is too get my shit together, I told my sister this and she said you're only 18 you don't have to worry about that but I left school early and I have an amazing advantage to other people my age why would I waste the next ten years when i can get my shit together now and accomplish more later on. Part of getting my shit together is creating a healthy balanced lifestyle.

These are my top 5 tips on how to live a balanced lifestyle:

1. Plan. I am an obsessive planner so this come naturally. I find that planning and making lists of what I have to do helps my mind to relax a little and I have a everything I need to know in one convenient place.

2. Exercise. I know it can sometimes seen like a drag. Today, I didn't eat to go for a walk but I got changed put my shoes on and guess what I still didn't want to go, hopped in my car and drove to the park. Yep, you guessed right I still didn't want to go for a run. Every part of me wanted to go back to my car and get chicken nuggets, but i didn't I started running ~let's be real, its more of a slow jog~ and I still didn't want to be there after abut ten minutes I felt better and actually wanted to be there. It also has made me feel really god the rest of the day and it is important to get exercise everyday.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

3 Day Social Media Detox Review

Wednesday 22 March 2017

I thought I would do a quick post on how my 3 day social media detox went, please don't be too harsh in the comments.

Day One: I am writing this at 6:30 pm because I have finished everything I need to do for the day and its a miracle. I had so much to do and it is all sorted out, I have organised my life and I feel so good. Not going on social media has been hard don't get me wrong there are a few times I have automatically clicked on the FB app then immediately clicked out because I remembered I wasn't supposed to be on it. I know that I have a friend request and four notifications, that was about midday. Honestly, it isn't even stressing me out, although I am a little like what could they be in overly not too phased. This morning I was also like I use facebook for the news (I know really reliable) and when I couldn't I have had to download the news app on my phone and I am using that instead. It is definitely strange. Twitter it hasn't bothered me too much, however, snapchat has. I tend to overshare on snapchat although I have had things happen that I have been like this would be funny to put on snapchat and I can't. It is hard. I have also wanted to snapchat friends stuff and I can't so it'll have to wait until Wednesday when I can use social media again in order to send them the stuff. I have also found that I am getting things done a lot faster because I'm not getting distracted and scrolling through social media, it is definitely a great study tip. My mum also called me today and was like did you see my post on facebook and my reply was something along the lines of "nice to know you read my blog". I then told her that I'm not using social media for three days and she was both surprised and pleased but it also made me realise that if I want to stay updated on peoples lives social media is vital; that or I actually have to talk to them which well, that ain't gonna happen. There have also been times today where I have just stared at my computer screen not knowing what to do because I can't go on social media which has actually turned my day somewhat productive as I have cut out a whole lot of cardboard that I am going to make into flashcards, which definitely wouldn't have been done otherwise. Also, I am one of those people that while watching a tv series or a movie I will scroll through my phone looking at social media and I can't do that so I am constantly looking for things to do while I am watching whatever I am watching. Hello, colouring in books!

Day two and three: I am not going to lie I cracked. I lasted one day and it was over. I know I am ashamed to say that but I also wanted, to be honest. Although I did learn a few things. First, I realised how much time I spent on social media, I was more aware when using it and would make myself stop using it. Second, people who aren't on social media or don't use cellphones what do you do when ou don't want to talk to someone? Third, we spend way to much time online. The last few day I realised that I spend way too much time online particularly at night while I am lying in bed I will spend hours just scrolling through nothing really important. I have also realised how much I need to be doing more than one thing at a time, whether it is while I am watching Netflix, walking down the street (or across the road to uni) or if I am simply just waiting for my food to cook (or waiting for my Chinese food), I am constantly on social media and what is the real benefit?

Friday 17 March 2017

25 Get To Know Me Questions Tag

Friday 17 March 2017
As my reader, you can probably work a few things out and other things I have been moderately open about, but today I thought I would let you all know some of the more boring things about me.

1. What is your middle name?
My middle name is 'Margaret' which is where the name of my blog came from. It is also my aunt and grandmothers middle name.

2. What was your favourite subject at school?
This one is easy it was hands down history, I liked English as well but I love learning new things about history ad culture, so history takes that prize.

3. What is your favourite drink?
Okay, this is a complicated question. My favourite drink to get at a cafe is either a chai latte or flat white both with soy, no sugar. My favourite alcoholic drink is my amazing blueberry gin cocktail. I also love a good Chocolate thick shake but who doesn't?

4.What is your favourite song at the moment?
This one is super easy, follow you by Bring Me The Horizon. I love this song and I have for quite a while now.

5. What is your favourite food?
This one is hard, there is a specific hell Pizza that I love okay well I change like five things on it, but it is amazing. I am also a fan of a pasta salad that New World sell in the deli and I recreated it for tonight and it was amazing. I am also a big fan of my ginger salmon. I like food, can't pick a favourite.

6. What is the last thing you bought?
Boring I know, but I just did a grocery shop so groceries.

7. Favourite colour?
Grey, I really like grey at the moment.

8. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat named Louie, but he lives with my parents. My mum seems to think when I moved out he became hers but that is definitely not the case.

9. Favourite book?
This one is super hard there is lots of books I like and love. The book I am reading a the moment is 'mereChristianityy' by C.S. Lewis which is a really good read the book I have rea the most though is Love, Aubrey by Suzanne Lafleur altohuh i havent read that for a few years.

10. Favourite holiday?
I haven't travelled much but either Cairns in Australia, Niue, or the South Island of New Zealand.

11. Relationship Status?
haha, I mean have you read my blog, I am defnitely single.

12. Siblings?
One amazing sister she is 22

13. Favourite Restaurant?
This one is easy, I have only been there once but it is arestaurant in Whangarei call À deco and it has the most amazing food I have ever tasted, I took my sister there for her birthday last year and it was amazing.

14. When was the last time you cried?
About a week and a half ago, I was upset about sometihng but one of my mates were like get your shit togethor and it was all fine haha

15. Favourite TV Show?
Don't have one. I watch a lot of different genres of tv shows so its hard to be like this one. I really like homeland, every single marvel tv series ever created specifically jessica jones and I also really like young and hungry.

16. PC or Mac?
Mac hands down, I have had both and I prefer mac way more. Last year I had a small accident with my macbook (lets just say there was some soy sauce involved) and it resulted in me having to get another computer I went into the store and picked up another macbook, I didnt even look at any other computer I knew I liked this one and I had no intentions of changing yea they can be pricey but they are so wirth it!

17. Phone?
Iphone, I really like apple okay! I use to have a Samsung so before you go saying anything I have had multiple Samsungs and I like apple better its a personal preference thing so leave me alone. i also dont think i would go back to samsung soley now because I have invested to much money in apple I have had 2 macbooks, an iphone, apple watch and apple tv. i have had 4 samsung ohines and a samsung tablet anf I just wasnt feeling it.

18. Height?
I actually ahve no idea dome where between 5 and 6 foot I know not very precise but I dunno im average height.

19. Can you cook?
Yes, not to blow my own trumpet but I am an amazing cook ~most of the time~.

20. Kids?
Nope, maybe in the future (like more than ten years in the future).

21. Sarcasm?
YES. I am an incredibly sarcastic person which some people get tired of.

22. Eye Colour?

23. Summer or WInter?
Winter, I love the cold okay I love jeans and scarves and cuddling in bed with lots of blankets and drinking hot tea by the fire so winter wins by default.

Sunday 12 March 2017

3 Day Social Media Detox

Sunday 12 March 2017
I like most people my age spend to much time on my phone and laptop. Most of this time is spent on Social Media apps and websites and while my blog and social media in many ways is my hobby and job it isn't always healthy so for the next seven days I am taking a social media detox, yes you heard that right. I have tried so many times to have a 'break' from social media and to just stay off of it but I can't. I am addicted and 3 days without social media is going to be hard (I know it's only three days but it will still be hard okay!). I am going to schedule everything blog related so that I have no excuse to be on social media and I am going to put Social Media apps on my phone into one file and turn off all notifications.

As humans, we often spend time looking at out phones, rather than having conversations. I find myself being consumed by social media. Rather than spending time on doing things fo myself, I spend hours scrolling through Instagram and facebook watching other peoples' lives. Which is crazy, that I spend time looking at other peoples' lives rather than improving my own life. Social Media is something that I have become so reliant on rather than getting somebodies number I add them on FB, it is so much more convenient. Last year I went through my facebook and I unfriended every single person that I don't talk to anymore or has no purpose of being my friend on facebook. I now have 130 friends and before I have 8oo and something which is somewhat of a massive difference. The people I now have as my friends on facebook are people I actually want to interact with and would go and get a coffee with, not people that were three years below me in primary school.

My biggest struggle I think will be twitter, facebook messenger, and Snapchat. I tweet almost every small event that happens, I tweet too much and I spend way too much time on twitter. Snapchat anybody that follows me on Snapchat (paigemwea) knows I overshare and spend way too much time on there. I post EVERYTHING, and I am the first to admit that nobody probably cares and it also isn't healthy. It is not healthy to feel that need of validation from other people let alone other people online.

I will not be using any of the following Social Media platforms (the only reason I will be using any of these platforms is for my blog) :

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Blogger
  • Pinterest
  • Whisper
  • Youtube (except to watch my workout videos)
  • general internet scrolling without a purpose

What I will be using:

  • Emails: Only work and uni-related emails, though. NO blog or personal emails.
  • Phone calls: although not technically social media  I thought I would add it to this list for clarification
  • texting: I will still be texting because I need a way of communicating with the outside world. Also, I have just moved back to the city that my uni is in so my mum finds it necessary to call at least once a day and text at least ten times. I also need to be able to text for work and to sort times out with my therapist. 
I am prepared to feel awkward in situations I would normally just look at my one. This is the first week back at uni, and I have looked at my class lists and I know nobody so that's going to be fun while everybody else is on their phones. *Deep Sigh* ~googles conversation starters~

I am excited and also terrified which I don't think is a good thing, I spend too much time online so the next week I will have to actually interact with other human beings in human form. I am writing this Thursday night (or Friday morning depends on what you define 1 am as) so I have time to find activities and things to do without the internet and social media, I will also be turning off notifications nad I think that is all. 

I hope from this one week off of social media I will get used to not checking my online 'life' every five minutes and thus will start to spend more time on me outside the seven days.

Wish me luck, please.

have you ever done anything life this? Are you going to join me?
Let me know in the comments below.
Wednesday 8 March 2017

January & February 2017 Favourites

Wednesday 8 March 2017

1. Passion Planner
I am a planning and organizing obsessive! I bought this planner at the end of December and it arrived pretty quickly, which I was very impressed by. I have tried out different ways of using the planner and have found a prefered way, although it has taken sometimes I did like each way i have used it although I wanted it to look pretty as well. I love the passion planner both because of the design of the planner and because of the philosophy behind the planner. Go check out their website ad if you love the look of the planner as much as I do if you use the discount code: 'love10' you can get 10% off.

2. Apple Watch
I got an apple watch for Christmas, and have started to use it quite a bit I love all the features on it, particularly the fitness apps as they help to keep those new year resolutions on track. Although the better life could be improved it does the job. I also love the fact that I can answer phone calls on it as it is super handy when I am driving to and from Auckland and don't really want to pull over to answer a phone call. Yay, for handsfree!

3. ZA Mascara
This has become my new go to mascara it gives your lashes volume and length which is super hard to find in a good mascara. This is now my daily mascara and I am in love with it.

4. Duolingo website
This website has been awesome in helping me learn a new language, I have admiralty slipped in practising a new language because I have been so busy although this website has been awesome and there is also an app that I have downloaded on my phone although I am yet to check that out i am yet to use it.

5. Dove Shampoo
I have never liked a shampoo so much. I have oily but frizzy hair, fun combo i know. My hair always looks crap unless I have used heating tools which his extremely annoying. However, with the Dove shampoo I am still washing it every second day however it looks shiny and healthy and the frizz is a lot less. honestly, this is the best shampoo I have ever used and I have even purchased a second bottle which I need do with shampoo

Monday 6 March 2017

Life Update: March 2017

Monday 6 March 2017
We both know if you have read my other life update posts they are jumbled and often don't make sense so I have about ten or more points that I want to talk about so I have sub-titles and well here we go.

This may explain the week or two gaps in blog posts. I didn't intend on leaving such a big gap between the last post especially because of what that blog post was, which you can check out here. That blog post was also something that was very much an in the moment thing and I typed it up, copied and pasted the letter and pressed publish all within ten minutes. Okay, so what this is actually about I have moved back to Auckland and I am still getting in a routine although I have been down here for two weeks now and I love Auckland, however, I also can't wait till I have finished my BA so I can move cities. I love exploring new places and I definitely have the next two cities I want to live planned out, literally already started saving for my next move.

Started uni again
Okay, this semester is going to be super stressful although I am prepared for the stress.... well sorta. I am doing my second year of a BA double majoring in Psychology and Politics. It is a slight change from what I was doing although I am so far (I say this a week into this semester) loving it and I really enjoy learning and this semester I am doing papers that are all related to the politics part of my degree which I find a lot more challenging than psychology and something I really enjoy learning about. I have always liked politics and some people in my family are very strongly viewed when it comes to politics, it is also important to understand the politics that happens around us and what is happening so that is why I am doing politics.

I have had a few epiphanies hte last couple of weeks that i will probably talk about in the future so i won't so too much here.

Now lets talk my goals and resolutions

Fitness & Food
Ummmmm what was this new years resolution. Admittedly I have done minimum exercise in the three months more the last two weeks I haven't exercised which makes me a little mad ~awkwardly laughs~ that is something I definitely want to start doing and am going to start doing eeek okay in all seriousness I have put it in my planner for the week because I have a very busy week ahead of me.

The Unknown
I am learning to not convince myself to not do things, which is a process. i am also going to do a blog post on.

My Past
See my last post. umm this is something that I have struggled with and I am definitely learning to come to terms with it. There is definitely a huge part of me the last few weeks that has moved on more from that and I have definitely made a huge leap in improvement in my PTSD and anxiety.

Anxiety & Mental Health
This is something I am continuing on improving and my mental health has definitely improved so much, I have never felt better and my menta health is in the best place it has ever been so yay

Friday 24 February 2017


Friday 24 February 2017

I have about six draft posts I am working on at the moment about various different things however this is something that is more important. I am seeing an increasing amount of posts about mental health and sexual assault on my newsfeed and every time I see one my heart breaks a little more, for the men, women, and children that have experienced these things, it is heart-breaking and as a society we need to start doing something rather than blocking it and pretending it is not an issue. Sexual assault affects too many people; it is the time we start doing something about it. 

Sexual assault is something I avoid talking about, I can count on my hands the number of people I have talked about sexual assault too and that isn't because I don't see it as an issue. It is because I see it as a massive issue but sometimes the hardest things to talk about are the things that you have experienced. I was sexually assaulted six and a half years ago. It took me six years for those words to even come out of my mouth and it took me five years to get help. That night my life changed forever and it is something I will never get back. I have avoided talking about this for all this time on eve type of social media because I didn't want people to know, I didn’t want it to affect friendships or potential relationships, it was something I was ashamed of for so long and I shouldn’t have been because it is not my shame to carry, it is his. If people don’t want anything to do with me because of what happened that night and because I am speaking out against it then so be it, I don't want anything to do with them. I have met some amazing people because of the position I was put in and I have seen sides of people that are caring and supportive because I have told them. Although some people have asked why I didn't report him, why I don’t report him and the reason to that answer is simply because I do not want to, I don’t want to put myself in that position. I have laid awake at night thinking about whether I will report it, I have talked to friends and gotten their opinions and some responses where "what if he does it to someone else?" people have asked that question as if I have never thought of it, as if I hadn’t laid awake at night thinking but what if, but at the end of the day I can't answer that question and I have to do what is best for me. I have learned that some people will have that what if response but some people have had the best response I could have asked for and told me to do what’s best for you and you need to do what will give you closure. 

I have no current interest in reporting what happened to me or pursuing legal action simply because I don't want to and that is enough of a reason for me. I have to focus on myself and I have been doing that. I still struggle every day with what happened in ways that some people can’t even imagine, I don’t get nightmares anymore, but that isn’t to say I will never have them again, I still get anxiety going into places he may be but that doesn’t mean I will always have that. There are people I am close to that are close to his family, and that is hard to deal with, but at the end of the day, my safety and my mental and physical health will always come before any friendships.

This is the letter I wrote to the boy who sexually assaulted me. It is a private letter I wrote around a month ago in the early hours one morning, it was hard to write and I shed a lot of tears. It explains some of my pain and forgiveness and it is the most empowering and difficult thing I have ever written. There is life after sexual assault, and there are people that care about what happened to you. Speak out, don't stay silent. Sexual assault is not okay.

Dear the boy who sexually assaulted me,

I call you a boy because that is what you were, and it hurts me to say your name whether it is you I am referring to or not to say your name it physically hurts. You were a boy; I was a girl. The concept of sexual assault wasn’t something I understood, I didn’t understand that it could happen to a twelve-year-old. I didn’t think a fifteen-year-old could do that. I didn’t understand, I didn’t understand what you did. Now I understand what you did but I don’t understand why you did it, I won’t ever understand. I didn’t know if you knew what you were doing. You told me that your brother said it was okay; so it must be but you knew I said no, I said I didn’t want you, I begged you to stop, but you didn’t, you thought you had a right to take that from me, you thought you had a right to take my body away from me. I begged you to stop. I have never begged anyone like I begged you to stop. I remember trying to push you off of me, I remember you touching me, I remember you putting your tongue in my mouth. You took that away that from me, not only my first kiss but everything that comes after that as well. Now, when I kiss somebody I get flashbacks of that night, you not only destroyed that night for me you destroyed every kiss after that night, but with you, it wasn’t a kiss. I don’t know what I would call it, but it wasn’t a kiss.

It was a nightmare. I remembered for months afterward trying to convince myself that is was a bad dream, that it was a nightmare. I tried to convince myself you hadn’t done anything. I remember the first time I told anybody, it was my sister we were driving home to Te Arai and I asked her if she had ever had a guy force himself on her, she said no, have you? My reply was a simple quiet yes. She asked me to repeat myself, she pulled over the car and explained to me that what you had done, what you did to me was sexual assault, what you did to me was wrong. I already knew it was wrong that what you did to me wasn’t okay, but I didn’t know it was sexual assault. I was ashamed of what happened I didn’t tell anyone for years, not until we had moved away from you. (Edited)*** When I’m driving past my old house my mind is flooded with happy memories but (Edited)*** I am reminded of all those times you were in my childhood.(Edited)*** I knew you for my entire life, and you gave me every reason to trust you and within one night you took all of that away, I will never trust anyone completely again, my childhood my life was changed that night.

I have never felt like my body was completely mine since that night. Some days I feel so dirty, so disgusting that I want to just sit in the shower, I want to lay in the bath. I just want to disappear into it because it is the only way I feel clean, it is the only way I can get you off my skin, and the only way that I can take away that feeling of your touch. The water is one of the only places I feel safe and free from your grasp. I want to take off my skin, I want to unzip my skin and lay it down beside me as if it were a jacket as if my body was a piece of clothing. I want to scrub the feelings of your hands off my body, I want to wash my mouth out until I can no longer feel your tongue down my throat. I want to press delete on the pain you caused me, I want to delete every childhood memory I have that you are in. I want to delete some of my happiest memories because you are my worst memory.

Sometimes I wish I was never born I wish, I didn’t exist. That wish almost become a reality twice. You may have found out, that I tried to kill myself, twice. I self-harmed for years, and I only recently stopped. Suicide is something I still think about, I still think about the first time I cut my skin, that day I felt like I had gained a little part of my body back because I was inflicted the pain. I could control the pain I was receiving and for me, that was taking ownership of my body. You can’t see many of my scars now but the scar that left the biggest mark is one you can’t even see and that is the scar you caused, the pain you inflicted on me because you wanted validation from your brother.

I feel sorry for you; at times I hate you. There is a massive part of me that forgives you, hopes you are doing better and feels sorry for you but there will also always be a part of me that hates you, a part that doesn’t understand what you did, a part that hopes you suffer and you feel the pain that I have felt. But that part that holds that hate is so much smaller than the part that feels sorry for you. I hope you get the help you need, it whichever way that may be. I hope you get a job, earn a living, maybe even buy a house but there is no part of me that hopes a wife and family for you. I fear for your future wife if you do get married, I fear you will hurt her and she won’t be able to get away. I fear that you will have children and take away their childhood, I fear that they too will also want to step out of their bodies and leave it behind like a jacket. I ask you for me do well, get a job, get help sort out your life, but please don’t hurt anybody else. Don’t put anyone else through what you put me through.

I will never forget you, I can never forget you. You have shaped me into the person I am. I have many of my ambitions because of what you did to me, I want to help people because of you. My relationship with God is stronger than it ever was before because of you. I am stronger, kinder, more ambitious because of what you did, but it wasn’t because of what you did it’s because of the way I reacted to the situation you forced e into. The help I have gained, the people I have met, the experiences I have had, the pain I have suffered is because of my reaction to the situation you put both of us in.

You and I are the only two people that know exactly, what happened that night. As much as I try to forget that night it will forever be etched into my mind. I will be struggling for a long time to come to terms with what you did, I am prepared to fight the nightmares and anxiety for the rest of my life if it means I can help just one person, whether that be helping a sexual assault victim or perpetrator. I promise the lord I will help to make this earth a better place and provide people with the tools and support they require in order to make peace with themselves, I promise to forever acknowledge my past and use it in order to help others. My experiences that you have caused have made me stronger, so thank you for that.

Good Luck,

There is so much I have learned after writing this letter and so much I want to add, but by adding those things, it would be in many ways obvious as to who he is which I have no intentions of doing. This is to help victims; this isn't revenge towards him. Everyone deserves to have inner peace and to be happy. He may have taken that away from me but it is only temporary, my feelings towards him hold a lot of hate but I am not going to destroy someone as they have attempted to do to me. I have been working with my therapist going through this letter and I have made a lot of realizations and there are things I am working on overcoming.

I am sorry if you have ever experienced sexual assault. Please get help because it is out there, people do care and what happened to you, is not your fault.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

25 Money saving Tips

Wednesday 22 February 2017
I am a university student and therefore I will do almost anything to save money, I also planning on moving to another city in three years time and because I am into planning for my goals at the moment (thanks to my passion planner) I am already saving for that. I have also gone through my monthly accounts and cut out the things that I really don't need, and reduced other things that I don't use to its full potential, I also looked into other subscriptions services and it was going to cost me more to cancel it but while requiring about cancelling it they have given me two months free and I've decided I will keep this subscription (It is important to note I do use this service, but it isn't a necessity if it would have been better, in the long run, I would have cancelled it), I am also going to be maximising this subscription potential further as I have not been doing so at the moment.

1. Plan out your meals, this way you know what you're having and when and you'll avoid eating out.
2. Cancel Subscriptions you don’t need anything from Netflix (I know, but do you really need it) to magazine subscriptions
3. Reduce monthly expenses. I recently reduced my phone account by $50 a month and it took about $20 Minutes to do it, that’s  saving of $600 a year.
4. Walk. When you need to just go down the road walk instead of drive, you will feel better for it ad you won't be wasting money on petrol.
5. Make a herb garden. Fresh herbs can cost around $3 per bunch of fresh herbs but if you buy a plant they are $3.99 and they keep giving you produce,

6. When going shopping look at what you want, then walk away and wait 24 hours if you still want or ‘need’ that item then go and buy it but make sure you really need/want it first.
7. Plan your meals, so you know what you're buying what you go to the grocery store and you don’t buy the wrong things.
8. Get cash out, and that is the money you have to spend for the week. This way you are aware of how much you are spening and what you are spending money on
9. Buy drugstore make up, I know it kills me to write this as much as I love my high end brands, it is cheaper to buy dugstor ena dyou can often find dupes for your favourite products. Ehen you are buying high end products do your research and make sure it is a product that you love and will you.
10. Join a library or swap books with friends, this will save money buying new books and most public libraries are free.

11. Stop wasting food, if you made too much freezer it, and all those off cuts of things make a stew or soemtihng at the end of the week with them.
12. Rather than eating out or ordering in cook your food, if you think you wnt have time cook head of time, and freeze it.
13. Stop buying take away coffees. If you really need a flat whte buy the ones in the packets from the supermarket its still more expensive than istant but its cheaper han buying a café flat whute everyay
14. Wash your clothes on cold it will save on hot water.
15.  Buy a reusable drink bottle rather than a bottle of water when you go out this way not only are you helping the planet you will also save on buywater
16. cancel your gym membership. Even if you go to th gym its cheaper to google a hiit workout on youtube, you will also save time and money getting ot the gym.

17. Track your money, have a notebook or even in the notes section of your phone write down everything you buy and how much it costs, keep those receipts so you know what you are buying.
18. Rather than going out invite your friends over, and everyone bring a dish.
19.  Don’t buy Premix alcoholic drinks. A pack of four to six premixes are around 10-$20 A bottle of Vodka can be around $40-$60 yes that costs more but you also get a lot more drinks from it and you can change things up with different flavours and have fun trying new things.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Being Single, Dating and Relationships

Thursday 16 February 2017
This is out a day early because I want to just press publish and know before I go to bed whether anybody hates me.

I have written this blog post twice already and deleted it, let me explain why. I don't want details of my love life strewn around the internet, that's all. I can hear some of my friends now saying "you're more single than single, you don't have a love life" alright thank you for that but I have no desire to have any potential love interest details or anything else on the internet and yes I am aware that it is about what I choose to share however I am also choosing to make a conscience public decision that the finer details of my love life will not be discussed in any blog posts EVER unless I am in a very long term relationship and feel it is something you all need to know. All you need to know now is I am single, ~potentially like somebody~ but very single and currently enjoy flirting with everything that is single and has a heartbeat ~we all know that is accurate~.

*Deep Breathe* Can we talk about tinder? Well too bad we are going to, Tinder is like, this magical place where you match with a whole lot of boys ~emphasis on BOYS~, plan your wedding with them, then ghost them. Okay, maybe that isn't everyone else's experience but I would never actually date anyone on Tinder and I am well aware some people have met their true loves and all that bs on there but it ain't my thing and I don't think it ever will be. I have never found online dating romantic and while I have downloaded and deleted tinder to many times for me to count the last time I deleted it, was the last time! I will NEVER have Tinder ever again ~but also never say never~ but this year I won't that is a promise. I don't find the idea of Tinder appealing and while I appreciate people laughing at my lame jokes and telling me how great my boobs are* I have friends to do that and now you have a million questions so I'm ending this paragraph.

Dating is hard! Next topic. I'm joking, but dating is hard. There is like ten levels till you actually get to the stage of dating these days and I'm not going to lie I have a short attention span and I typically don't like people for more than two weeks, if you have made it past that two weeks I am sorry but I will probably like you for the next 6 months or more, just deal with it. In three months I am 19 and I have only ever had three, nope four crushes that I would consider actually crushes (This does not include people I have liked for less than two weeks, because we can not count that high) yea I have gone on dates with more than four people, okay okay I only dated one of those four people and lets just say glad that shit is over. I am joking one of my life rules is to never be mean about an ex. He was a great guy, although he wasn't emotionally available and the first time we dated I was like 13 and obviously that shit was never going to work. I also made mistakes and it was a very long; on again off again four years, don't get me wrong as a 13-year-old girl I wasn't exactly at the height of my perfection as I am still to reach that.

Roses and Good Morning texts. Does that sound perfect to you? Well, it's my idea of hell. I'm joking, but it isn't my jam. I had always said that if a guy sent me roses I would marry him, that quickly changed when some douchey guy sent me roses. Now you're probably thinking WTF he sent you roses he ain't a douche well hold up let me explain and stop being so judgy. I had met this dude once let me emphasize that ONCE and might I add to that I had met him ONCE while he was sleeping with (he thinks they were dating LOL) my best friend (Refer back to the paragraph about Tinder as she met him on Tinder). Now you see where I am coming from and while I could keep talking about the rose saga I don't want to have any court cases on my doorstep so next.** Good Morning texts, the thing girls lust over on FB. Hang on though I am not against good morning texts well not completely anyway. It's just; don't expect a reply I am either asleep or it's too early for human communication or we are NOT dating and I have no obligation to reply to you and ever if we were dating I would still be under no obligation to reply, to you. And I think that is also enough said on the topic but also don't get mad when she does not reply like shit son. I could speak about this dude for a whole paragraph but I'm not going to, actually when asking permission to speak about, him, he said no, when I tried to explain he said no, I then blocked him again and that's the end of our communication.

Okay, I have talked about me being single, Tinder, dating, roses and good morning texts and now relationships. Can we not talk about this though just like skip over it. Pretend I didn't type relationships in the title. I have a vast amount of experience n every other area but not dating. The only real serious relationship I have had was on and off for four years and that was from the age of 13 to 17 it's not exactly what I would call a relationship, I was a kid. He told me he loved me and I think I was more in love with the idea of him than ever actually being in love with him so well it obviously wasn't going to work. There was someone else I dated that I would also say was a fairly serious relationship however that is complicated and something I'm not ready to talk about on here because well I don't want to have to deal with that.

Friday 10 February 2017

50 Fun (Mostly) Free Things To Do Alone

Friday 10 February 2017
YES! You read that right ALONE!! I am single like NEVER been more single in my life and most of my friends aren't which means I often have the choice of been a third/fifth/seventh (you get the point) wheel or I just hang out by myself. Yay for learning to be more independent (this is where my mother says I have always been annoyingly independent). Okay, in all seriousness I like hanging out by myself, I am an incredibly busy person and when I hang out with friends I try and make it at either breakfast, lunch or dinner because I have to eat and so do they thus saving time. That makes me sound like a bad friend, but who doesn't like food! To prove to you I am really busy I have my blog (obviously, you know that), I am also a student and I have a part time job I also travel 4-5 hours each week for therapy. I told you it was a legit reason.

This year to tackle my issues of the 'unknown' I am trying to do something each week that scares me slightly and has unknown 'traits', thus doing fun things ALONE is deffo on that list. Also, I am a uni student I can't afford to do fun expensive things ALONE, like you want cheaper accommodation; get a boyfriend, you want to go on holiday; oh yep its a twin package (yeah, they got you there didn't they). Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with myself but places that charge less or only have twin deals; I hate you! (Sorry, had to be said. Am I right single people or am I right??)

**Sidenote: When I started writing this post I was putting my little sarcastic comments next to each 'activity' then realized not only would this take way too long to write but it would also be extremely boring and long for you to read, thus now only some have my comments (although if you want me to add snarky comments to all of them, let me know in the comments below. )

1. Go to the Beach.
2. Go on some kind of nature walk.
3. Workout hahahaahaha, I know
4. Read a book.
5. Paint your nails.
6. Lie on the grass and listen to music like some cool 80's hippy
7. Watch a movie
9.  Start a garden with vegetables or flowers or herbs. The possibilities are endless.
10. Cook a new recipe using only the ingredients in your cupboard (haven't been shopping in a week? no problem, I'm sure your week old broccoli will taste great!)
11. Meditate
12. Make a goals list
13. Write a letter to literally anybody.
14. Get crafty
15. Ride your bike (that is if you haven't had it in you garage for five years and grown out of it)
16. Clean out your wardrobe and donate the stuff you no longer use, because yay for giving to charity!
17. Pamper time
18. Window shop ALONE
19. Go for a drive
20. Binge watch NETFLIX or some cheap site where you do not have to pay  **Sidenote I am not encouraging illegal downloading of anything!
21. Go to a museum
22. KNIT
23. Learn something new
24. Organize your phone (I know nothing is in folders and it's an absolute mess, sort it out!!)
25. Compliment yourself.
26. Walk your dog.
27. Scream (It is satisfying)
28. Check your emails and REPLY to them
29. Scroll the internet.
30. Read Jokes.
31. Keep doing what you are doing right now.
32. Pick flowers.
33. Clean your house.
34. Do your washing, yes I know you haven't done it in three weeks stop being lazy and do it
35. Do something with your hair; curl it, straighten it, cut it all off, the possibilities are endless.
36. Dance
37. Go onto the Sephora website put everything you could ever want in your basket then press the little X in the corner and remind yourself you can;t afford to buy anything
38. Create a bucket list
39. Meal Prep.
40. Create a budget.
41. Foooooood
42. Swimming
43. Random act of kindness
44. Pinterest, need I say more.
45. Drink WINE (not encouraged if you are legally not allowed, have water instead)
46. Stalk your ex on Social Media.
47. Affirmations (Yes, I mean to stand in the mirror and tell yourself how damn sexy you are.)
48. Go to the park
49. Lie on the floor and think of all those fantastic responsibilities you have and what you should actually be doing.
50. Nap

I am somewhat impressed that I got 50 things down okay I know I cheated with a few but close enough.

What are some free things you love to do? Do you like hanging out alone?
Let me know in the comments below.
Wednesday 8 February 2017


Wednesday 8 February 2017
Anxiety comes in many different forms and it can feel very different for each person.  It is important to learn the difference between feeling anxious about stressful events such as a job interview or exam, and ongoing anxiety that affects your everyday activities. This type of ongoing, all-over anxiety is called generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).

Personally, I have struggled with anxiety for many years and have felt the effects of it in many different forms including having panic attacks. Everybody struggles with feeling anxious at some point and it is important to remember that you are not alone and there is things you can do to help.

Anxiety is described as “a disorder characterised by intense, frequent or continuous anxiety, which may lead to disruptive avoidance behaviour” (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012).

Anxiety related disorders:

It is common that people who experience generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can also live with other mental illnesses such as depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Signs and Symptoms:

These can differ from person to person however here are some key symptoms that people with GAD can experience:

·      Expecting the worst
·      Worry excessively about everyday things when there is no need to worry
·      Not being able to relax
·      Avoid different situations that may make them anxious
·      Feelings of edginess and restlessness
·      Poor sleep

Diagnosing Anxiety:

Although there is no test for anxiety, it is important that if you find your anxiety restricting you visit a health professional such as a GP or clinical psychologist in order to assess your situation and decide on a plan going forward.

Treatment options:

There are many different options for treating GAD, here are some of them:
·      Medication: It is important to understand that it can take time to find a medication that is right for you
·      Therapy: This can include talking therapies which can be very useful for children and young adults experiencing anxiety symptoms.
·      Complimentary therapies: this can include things as exercise, mindfulness, yoga and much more.

 Where you can find help:

•   Lowdown:
•   Sparx:
•   Healthline: 0800 611 116. (Available 24 hours, 7 days a week and free to callers throughout New Zealand, including from a mobile phone).
•   Lifeline 0800 543 35
•   Samaritans – 0800 726 666 (for callers from the Lower North Island, Christchurch and West Coast) or 04 473 9739 (for callers from all other regions)
•   Ministry of Health. Online self-test
•   Big White Wall. Free for Auckland DHB residents. A UK-based professionally facilitated peer support community of people who are experiencing common mental health problems.
•   Beating the Blues. Online CBT therapy module, NZ
•   CALM Website. Exercises and information you can download.
• including The Journal. NZ based self-help program designed to teach you skills that can help get through mild to moderate depression more effectively.
•   UK Mental Health Foundation. Free audio podcasts that can help you relax and improve your sense of wellbeing.

Thank you to ‘The Mental Health Foundation’ for their support on this post.

If you would like to donate to The Mental Health Foundation click here.

Textbook reference used: Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. M. (2012). Psychology. Milton, Qld.: John Wiley and Sons Australia.