
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Wednesday 21 June 2017

Creating a balanced life

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Lately, my schedule has gotten crazy busy and I am finding it harder to find time for myself and having a balanced lifestyle. It is important that we take time out for ourselves and understand how important it is to have a good mix of things. Here are ten things I have done to help keep a good life balance.

1. Removed emails from my phone.
I still have my personal emails on my phone for uni related stuff, however, I have removed my blog emails eventually I want to remove emails completely but that will take time. This was an adjustment the first night that I didn't have my emails I had replied to quite a few potentially exciting emails as well as some more boring ones during the day. I was awaiting a reply when I went to bed that night and like anyone my age I scroll on my phone for hours before I go to sleep (I know it's bad for me I'm working on it) and during that time I would normally continually check my emails however, I couldn't do this and I hadn't even realised that I do this. I ended up on my laptop till 1am and when I did finally get to sleep I awoke at 5 am and looked at my phone, tried to check my phone emails and remembered I couldn't. Which yes resulted in me opening my laptop while half asleep to check my emails, were there any? N,o it was 5 am for goodness sake! It has gotten easier over the week although I still find myself on my laptop checking emails which is ridiculous and something I am working on.

2. Take time out for yourself
For me, my 'happy' time is the hour I spend at the beach every Monday morning with my Starbucks, it's simple but with a busy schedule, it is my one hour that I can totally relax and leave the worrying to another time.

3. Take 10mins in the morning to tidy.
This can be anything from making your bed, putting away your washing or doing dishes.  I spend ten minutes every morning tidying up, that means that I have a clean and clear work-space and house for the rest of the day and I can use cleaning as an excuse for not doing work that I need to do. That ten minutes in the morning has also changed the other things I do now if I get something out I put it away immediately because I know will have to do it anyway.

How do you create balance? Do you think it is important to have a work/life balance?
Let me know in the comments below 
Wednesday 31 May 2017

30 Things Before I Turn 30

Wednesday 31 May 2017

I recently wrote my 20 things I want to do before I turn 20, which made me think about the things that I want to do before I turn 30. These things are slightly more ambitious but honestly, I think achievable. Here they are:

1. Bungee Jump

2. Hot air Balloon

3. Get my Dive Ticket

4. Visit Every continent

5. Have lived for at least 3 months in another country,

6. Travel somewhere that speaks a different language.

7. Run a marathon

8. Own a pair of 'Christian Louboutin' shoes.

9.  Buy a house or investment property

10.  Finish my BA

11. See 'Bring me The Horizon' live. The are my current favorite band and they came to New Zealand this year and I didn't get to see them which I am extremely bummed about.

12. Learn a language 

13.  Get my 3rd tattoo and maybe 4th and 5th.

14. Try surfing. ~my balance is $hit so I know how this will turn out~

15. Travel somewhere alone.

16. Swim with sharks.

17. Learn to play the Piano ~again~

18. Create a family tree.

19. Splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime meal

20. Test drive my dream car.

21. Watch a meteor storm.

22. Climb a mountain 

23. Eat something that repulses me (Like exotic not vomit worthy)

24. Go to a music festival

25. Go on a date with someone totally, not my type.

26. Pay off my student loan. 

27.  Go on a spontaneous holiday.

28. Go to the boxing day races.

29. Volunteer on Christmas Day

30. Take a flying lesson.

What are things you want to do before your next big birthday? Have you done any of these things or want to do any of these things? 
Let me know in the comments below. 
Wednesday 24 May 2017

My Three Favourite Blogs

Wednesday 24 May 2017
I love blogging and I love reading other peoples blogs. I go through phases of what kind of blogs I like and read however these are my current three favourites that I am in love with.

1. Nerd About Town
I started reading Stephanies blog probably around 8 months ago. I have loved it ever since, she posts about everything from confidence to fashion and beauty. Stephanie is one of the many bloggers I aspire to be like. She is beautiful and the honesty in her posts is appreciated. She speaks the truth about her own vulnerablilities and honestly she has been a huge motiviation for me to keep blogging and has helped massively with my personal confidence.

2. Life as Lois May 
I feel like Lois Mays' blog and mine are similiar in many ways. we blog about similiar things and we are also both students the only massive difference is the fact that her flatlays are significantly better than mine. Lois May is relatable and definitely one of those people that seem truelly genuine.

3. Poppy Deyes 
I feel like I couldn't write this list without adding Poppy to the mix. I have no doubt that you have probably come across Poppy's blog. She's definitely one of the bigger bloggers out there and for a very obvious reason her content is intereting, relatable and her flatlays are beautiful.

I obviously could've added another ten bloggers easily to this list however I wanted to keep this one short and sweet.

Do you want to know more of my favourite bloggers? Do you love any of these bloggers as much as I do?
Let Me Know In The Comments Below.
Sunday 21 May 2017

Why I'm studying Politics and Some Questions For You.

Sunday 21 May 2017

Okay, as you may know, I am doing my BA majoring in Politics and Psychology. I have spoken about why I am studying psychology so many times and I am sure you all know why however I never speak about politics on here or on any public space mainly because it is a huge argument starter and I'm not into that. The reason I decided to study politics was to understand the world ewe live in more and how it works. At the end of the day, most of us have the decision whether we vote or not and while I have always understood that it is important to exercise that right it doesn't mean I have always understood how politics works but not only that what happens in terms of politics internationally.

I think politics is best defined as "Politics is both everything and nothing" and I think it is important to acknowledge that it is what we make it.

Politics is also closely related to security, We are seeing that at the moment with Trump and North Korea and so today I have a few questions that I would love for you to answer in the comments below.

I have an assignment for one of my politics classes at the moment that requires me to get other people's opinions on politics/security and thus I have some questions for you all.

What is security to you? This may be on a personal scale or internationally.

Do you trust your government to make decisions on issues that could affect the security of your country? why or why not?

Do you feel 'safe' in your everyday life? why or why not?

Do you think politics and security should be so entwined?

Do you think political diplomacy is the best solution to security risks such as North Korea or is a more violent approach necessary?

Feel free to answer these questions below I would love to know what you think.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

May Life Update: New Job, Exams, Blogging & What's Next?

Tuesday 16 May 2017
Honestly I wasn't going to write this post becasue I didn't want to. Life has been crazy lately.

What have I even been up to?

  • Uni Assignments
  • Started a new job
  • studying for Exams
  • Secret project
I would also like it noted several friends have called me crazy for having the schedule I have but i wouldn't change any of it for the world.

Uni & Exams
Uni this month hass been crazy, I have three essays due on the same day, another two the week after that and exams in a few weeks. I feel stressed and moody. I have to get decent grades this year as well in orde rto get into post-grad so that is a whole lot of added pressure. I am also going to do a blog post soon on why I chose to go to uni  and also what i want to do after uni. The reason I am goin gto write a whole blog psot on this topic is because it has changed so much and ove rthe last month I hve made some big decsion (which I am still notcertain on) and I want to share with you guys as my readers what my fears are and what I am excited for in the future.  I also have exams coming up so I have been busy preparing for them.

New Job
If you follow me on twitter you will know that I have started a new job. It sort of came out of no where I applied for a job months ago and I didn't hear back so thought nofting of it, I ha also since got another job although it was garnateeed hours which made thigs difficult. I then got a call last week for another position at this company (after a week of calling eachother bak nad fourth getting voicemal) that I appie for mothns ago and they asked if i could come in for an interview the next day, I did as my attitude was very much what's the harm. I went to the interview honestly, with the mindset I wasn't going to get the job, and well I was worng they offered me the job on the spot and I started a couple of days after. I also had a phone call that same week about another interview which I then cancelled because in all honesty I was not interested in that job at all. Thus I ahve started a new job and about an hour ago i got a message asking if  i was interested in another job, I have literally had job offers all ove rht eplace however I like the job I am currently in and thus the job offer i got a few hours ago will stay at just a job offer.

That's all I can really talk about in terms of the secret project once I am able to talk about it I will, it is hugely personal and very exciting. 

What's Next? 
  • 1 post per week until July ( I will now be publishing posts on Wednesdays at 8pm NZST)
  • Continued Mental Health Series
  • Potentially vlogs if you guys want to see them??
  • Relationship Series
Would you like to see vlogs? What are you most excited about?
Let me know in the comments below.

Next Post: Easy Healthy Breakfast Recipes (17th May 8pm NZST)

Friday 5 May 2017

Dear Future 30 Year Old Me

Friday 5 May 2017
I published a blog post last week of 20 things I want to do before I am 20 and writing a letter to my 30 year old self was on the list so here I am writing this letter!

Dear 30 year old me

When you are reading this it is going to be the year 2028 and honestly that sounds like some time travel scary future place, but if you have survived this long you have done well. I have also just turned 19 about a week ago so you are still young and naive.

I have so many questions!! Are you doing psychology or have you decided to do politics? Maybe something completely different? Do you still have your blog? Are you in a relationship? Are you married? You wanted to get married at 30 and engaged at 28, did that happen? Do you have kids, honestly I would be suprised if you do because at the moment you are unsure when or if you want kids but definitely not before 32. If you are married to who? Do I know them now? I would be suprised if I do know them  although there are some potential contenders ;)

Right now I am sitting in bed with freshly painted nails, cramps and whole lot of unnesacery make up on. Have you mastered painting your nails yet, we have always been crap at that. So I stopped writing this letter last night and i resuming writing now instead of finishing my politics essay, but i am drinking tea and eating popcorn so it's a goodnight. At the moment you have so many aspirations I hope you get to fulfil them and you have achieved everything in your career that you have wanted to.

You have been through so much in your life, both things you talk about and things you don't, I hope you see all those things as lessons and don't hold any regret towards the events and people in your past. I hope that you anxiety has continued to improve and your depression is still under control. I hope you are truly happy and you have embraced the good and the bad.

Have you had your heartbroken yet? You've been through some crao break ups at the moment but honestly you've never had your heart broken. You have also loved someone but never been in love, has that changed? Honestly, in terms of relationships I hope you ae just happy wether you are with someone or you are alone. Right now, you have a little flirtation with a guy (I know i don't have to say his name because you and I both remember who) but you also don't want a relationship with him because well you don't want a relationship. You don't want a relationship at the moment for several reasons; relationships are scary, and honestly you do not have time. but he is a lovely guy and honestly you have done well there.

I know this is a short letter but I hope you are happy and you have got to experience all the things you have wanted to.

your 19 year old self

Friday 28 April 2017

20 Things I Want To Do Before I Turn 20

Friday 28 April 2017

Wednesday 26 April 2017

19 Things I Have Learnt In 19 Years

Wednesday 26 April 2017

It was my birthday yesterday, and while it was a very chill day I reflected on the things I have learnt over the last 19 years. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly these are the things I wish I had known and have learnt over the last 19 years:

1. It doesn't matter what other people think about you

2. Crash diets dont work, it's about living a healthy lifestlye with balance

3. quality friends are more important than quantity.

4. If you don't workout and eat well 90% of the time you will get fat

5. Talk about your problems, ignoring them wont make them go away

6. Not everyone will be in your life forever

7. Relationships will happen if they are suppose to be it you force it, things won't work out.

8. Life is hard.

9. Do things for yourself

10. People are sexist af and the gender wage gap is real and shitty

11. Your mental health is important so look after it just as much as your physical health

12. You will probably hate your part-time job while at uni

13. You can make all the excuses in the world not to workout but that isnt going to hange anything

14. If you want something, go after it.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

April Life Update: Back To Blogging, Mental Health And VLOGGING???

Tuesday 25 April 2017

What a month April has been! Not going to lie, it has been actually pretty shit.My last blog post was the 24 of march, which was exactly a month ago. I took a break becasue I needed to focus on myself and my health. So what have I actually done??
A lot of personal things have happened however they are to do with family so I'm not goingto discuss that stuff but in terms ME a lot has happened.

Health and Fitness: The last month I have changed the way I eat, eating healthy whole foods, but also if I want chinese for donner or a piece a cake I will -but I won't over do it.I have also started walking which has turned into running. On June 11 I am doing a 5km run/walk and on October 29th I am doing a 12km. I am super excited about both of these becuse it gives me a goal to work towards that I can challenge myself with. Also I have lost 6kgs (and that was after Easter) which wasn't even on purpose. Change your mindset and stop making excuses. I am also starting vlogging so I can vlog my health and fitness journey.