Friday 5 May 2017

Dear Future 30 Year Old Me

Friday 5 May 2017
I published a blog post last week of 20 things I want to do before I am 20 and writing a letter to my 30 year old self was on the list so here I am writing this letter!

Dear 30 year old me

When you are reading this it is going to be the year 2028 and honestly that sounds like some time travel scary future place, but if you have survived this long you have done well. I have also just turned 19 about a week ago so you are still young and naive.

I have so many questions!! Are you doing psychology or have you decided to do politics? Maybe something completely different? Do you still have your blog? Are you in a relationship? Are you married? You wanted to get married at 30 and engaged at 28, did that happen? Do you have kids, honestly I would be suprised if you do because at the moment you are unsure when or if you want kids but definitely not before 32. If you are married to who? Do I know them now? I would be suprised if I do know them  although there are some potential contenders ;)

Right now I am sitting in bed with freshly painted nails, cramps and whole lot of unnesacery make up on. Have you mastered painting your nails yet, we have always been crap at that. So I stopped writing this letter last night and i resuming writing now instead of finishing my politics essay, but i am drinking tea and eating popcorn so it's a goodnight. At the moment you have so many aspirations I hope you get to fulfil them and you have achieved everything in your career that you have wanted to.

You have been through so much in your life, both things you talk about and things you don't, I hope you see all those things as lessons and don't hold any regret towards the events and people in your past. I hope that you anxiety has continued to improve and your depression is still under control. I hope you are truly happy and you have embraced the good and the bad.

Have you had your heartbroken yet? You've been through some crao break ups at the moment but honestly you've never had your heart broken. You have also loved someone but never been in love, has that changed? Honestly, in terms of relationships I hope you ae just happy wether you are with someone or you are alone. Right now, you have a little flirtation with a guy (I know i don't have to say his name because you and I both remember who) but you also don't want a relationship with him because well you don't want a relationship. You don't want a relationship at the moment for several reasons; relationships are scary, and honestly you do not have time. but he is a lovely guy and honestly you have done well there.

I know this is a short letter but I hope you are happy and you have got to experience all the things you have wanted to.

your 19 year old self

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Health & Fitness Changes I Have Made

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Sunday 30 April 2017

Eating Disorders

Sunday 30 April 2017

Eating disorders are the branch that overarches anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.

There is nothing that is a clear cause of an eating disorder, which can make things harder for friends and family to understand. Eating disorders are serious and people with this disorder need support and care to get the right help and get well again.

Symptoms to look for if you are concerned someone has an eating disorder include:
  • ·      Isolation from others.
  • ·      Secret eating and purging through laxatives or vomiting.
  • ·      Spending long amounts of time on the toilet, specifically after meals.
  • ·      Strenuous exercise routine, even when injured or unwell.
  • ·      Severe weight changes.


These are just some of the signs someone has an eating disorder. If you suspect a loved one has an eating disorder, let them know that you are worried and that you care about them.
Encourage them to see their doctor or school counsellor, but don’t force them to (unless they are significantly underweight and their health it at risk).  
Treatment Options

Therapy: therapy can address the emotional needs of your thinking, behaviours, relationships and environment. You will be speaking with a trained specialist and they can help you get through this time.

Medication: Although there is no medication that can directly treat an eating disorder, there are medications that can help with related issues.

You can find other treatment options here.