April Life Update: Back To Blogging, Mental Health And VLOGGING???

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

What a month April has been! Not going to lie, it has been actually pretty shit.My last blog post was the 24 of march, which was exactly a month ago. I took a break becasue I needed to focus on myself and my health. So what have I actually done??
A lot of personal things have happened however they are to do with family so I'm not goingto discuss that stuff but in terms ME a lot has happened.

Health and Fitness: The last month I have changed the way I eat, eating healthy whole foods, but also if I want chinese for donner or a piece a cake I will -but I won't over do it.I have also started walking which has turned into running. On June 11 I am doing a 5km run/walk and on October 29th I am doing a 12km. I am super excited about both of these becuse it gives me a goal to work towards that I can challenge myself with. Also I have lost 6kgs (and that was after Easter) which wasn't even on purpose. Change your mindset and stop making excuses. I am also starting vlogging so I can vlog my health and fitness journey.

The Unknown: Still scares the shit out of me but I am working on it in therapy :)

Faith: my faith is something I am still focused on exploring!

Mental Health: Honestly, my mental health has never been in a better place. I have amazing people around me, and although I have been through some really crappy things the last month and my mental health has kicked ass. I have also cut down counselling to fortnightly rather than weekly and I have been off anti-depressatns for almost a year now!!

What''s next?

  • Three blog posts a week
  • Continued Mental Health Series 
  • New Relationship series
  • Vlogs about my day

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