Health & Fitness Changes I Have Made

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

One of my goals this year like many people is to get healthier and while the last week has been a little bit of a fail the last couple of months I have changed a few things. Here are 5 of the things I have changed in my life in order to be healthier:

1. Exercise
I have been going on interval runs everyday for the last month and a half (Apart from my birthday and a day either side of that, oops) and I feel amazing for it the few days I didn't I felt blah and needed to exercise.

2. Eating what I want
Okay I don't literally mean eating pizza and chinese food for every meal but like if I haven't eaten well and worked and I'm feeling the idea of chinese food for dinner, I eat it and I don't feel bad. Also, with the chinese place I go to it lasts like two or three meals because I physically cannot eat a whole thing of chinese food, so I typically have it for breakfast the next day ~I am aware this is super duper healthy~ (Stop judging me, I am a grown adult)

3. Eating Breakfast ~or at least trying~
I have been eating breakfast to give me extra energy and I find I don't binge laster in the day. i have a blog post coming soon on my favourite quick, healthy breakfast recipes. NB: Sometimes when I have 9am classes that doesn't happen.

4. Stop drinking carbonated drinks
I have stopped drinking soft drinks, on the odd occasion when I get fast food ~which honestly isn't often at all~ I get water instead of a soft drink as well and honestly these small changes make me feel good. The only time I now have carbonated drinks is soda water with either vodka or gin. Soft drinks also has a lot of sugar which obviously isn't a good thing, there is also research indicated soft drinks can cause cellulite.

5. Mindset
I have done almost every diet there is and newsflash they don't work, and aren't permanent! My current lifestyle of eating well ~with the odd cheeky thing~ and working out is something I plan on doing the rest of my life and it is achievable to do the rest of my life unlike a lot of the 'diets' out there.

What helps you to be healthier? Do you do any of these things?
Let me know in the comments below.


  1. I should really start eating breakfast! That has always been difficult for me to do.

    1. I made a massive thing of smoothie so I just pour a glass and sip on it while I do my make up!

  2. Love this!! I think you've got a great mindset about it all. Being healthy is about having a balanced life, and I believe these 5 things will definitely help you create a good balance!! Good luck with it all, stay healthy and happy :) Xx

  3. I can't wait for your post about breakfast! I don't really like to eat breakfast, but sometimes I get really hungry. I just suck at finding good choices!

    1. It'll be published on the 19th I'm very excited for it too!!

  4. Great and healthy changes! I never skip breakfast and almost never drink soft drinks.

  5. At this point in my life, all I do to be healthier is eating more vegetables and fruits and taking long walks. I need to add to these more exercising and eating breakfast every morning too.

  6. Okay I never skip my breakfast and dont really drink much of carbonated soft drinks. But I guess I need to work on exercise part and setting the right mindset! Keep up with the change!

    1. That's great to hear. Exercise is something I love once I do it but hate every other time haha

  7. that's awesome that you are putting yourself on the right track towards fitness. I know it can be hard at times but it's worth it in the long run.

    1. It definitely is!! I decided to stop making excuses and this is the first step!

  8. Great post. I have recently changed my diet to a plant based diet so I can focus more on my health. I know for me it has been a MAJOR life saver to meal plan. Write a menu each week and then prepare my meals in bulk so I always have something to grab that I know is healthy. I defiantly need to start working out more though. That is next on my goal list. Great post <3

    1. That's great to hear, I'm starting to meal prep lately as well due to my schedule get so much busier (details on why in a blog post to come).
