Being Single, Dating and Relationships

Thursday, 16 February 2017
This is out a day early because I want to just press publish and know before I go to bed whether anybody hates me.

I have written this blog post twice already and deleted it, let me explain why. I don't want details of my love life strewn around the internet, that's all. I can hear some of my friends now saying "you're more single than single, you don't have a love life" alright thank you for that but I have no desire to have any potential love interest details or anything else on the internet and yes I am aware that it is about what I choose to share however I am also choosing to make a conscience public decision that the finer details of my love life will not be discussed in any blog posts EVER unless I am in a very long term relationship and feel it is something you all need to know. All you need to know now is I am single, ~potentially like somebody~ but very single and currently enjoy flirting with everything that is single and has a heartbeat ~we all know that is accurate~.

*Deep Breathe* Can we talk about tinder? Well too bad we are going to, Tinder is like, this magical place where you match with a whole lot of boys ~emphasis on BOYS~, plan your wedding with them, then ghost them. Okay, maybe that isn't everyone else's experience but I would never actually date anyone on Tinder and I am well aware some people have met their true loves and all that bs on there but it ain't my thing and I don't think it ever will be. I have never found online dating romantic and while I have downloaded and deleted tinder to many times for me to count the last time I deleted it, was the last time! I will NEVER have Tinder ever again ~but also never say never~ but this year I won't that is a promise. I don't find the idea of Tinder appealing and while I appreciate people laughing at my lame jokes and telling me how great my boobs are* I have friends to do that and now you have a million questions so I'm ending this paragraph.

Dating is hard! Next topic. I'm joking, but dating is hard. There is like ten levels till you actually get to the stage of dating these days and I'm not going to lie I have a short attention span and I typically don't like people for more than two weeks, if you have made it past that two weeks I am sorry but I will probably like you for the next 6 months or more, just deal with it. In three months I am 19 and I have only ever had three, nope four crushes that I would consider actually crushes (This does not include people I have liked for less than two weeks, because we can not count that high) yea I have gone on dates with more than four people, okay okay I only dated one of those four people and lets just say glad that shit is over. I am joking one of my life rules is to never be mean about an ex. He was a great guy, although he wasn't emotionally available and the first time we dated I was like 13 and obviously that shit was never going to work. I also made mistakes and it was a very long; on again off again four years, don't get me wrong as a 13-year-old girl I wasn't exactly at the height of my perfection as I am still to reach that.

Roses and Good Morning texts. Does that sound perfect to you? Well, it's my idea of hell. I'm joking, but it isn't my jam. I had always said that if a guy sent me roses I would marry him, that quickly changed when some douchey guy sent me roses. Now you're probably thinking WTF he sent you roses he ain't a douche well hold up let me explain and stop being so judgy. I had met this dude once let me emphasize that ONCE and might I add to that I had met him ONCE while he was sleeping with (he thinks they were dating LOL) my best friend (Refer back to the paragraph about Tinder as she met him on Tinder). Now you see where I am coming from and while I could keep talking about the rose saga I don't want to have any court cases on my doorstep so next.** Good Morning texts, the thing girls lust over on FB. Hang on though I am not against good morning texts well not completely anyway. It's just; don't expect a reply I am either asleep or it's too early for human communication or we are NOT dating and I have no obligation to reply to you and ever if we were dating I would still be under no obligation to reply, to you. And I think that is also enough said on the topic but also don't get mad when she does not reply like shit son. I could speak about this dude for a whole paragraph but I'm not going to, actually when asking permission to speak about, him, he said no, when I tried to explain he said no, I then blocked him again and that's the end of our communication.

Okay, I have talked about me being single, Tinder, dating, roses and good morning texts and now relationships. Can we not talk about this though just like skip over it. Pretend I didn't type relationships in the title. I have a vast amount of experience n every other area but not dating. The only real serious relationship I have had was on and off for four years and that was from the age of 13 to 17 it's not exactly what I would call a relationship, I was a kid. He told me he loved me and I think I was more in love with the idea of him than ever actually being in love with him so well it obviously wasn't going to work. There was someone else I dated that I would also say was a fairly serious relationship however that is complicated and something I'm not ready to talk about on here because well I don't want to have to deal with that.

*no I do not have any provocative images on Tinder although I do have great boobs

** While editing this blog post I gained the permission of all these boys to talk about them (it took a while) and the douchey guy I refer to in paragraph four in reference to the roses has requested I add that he is not a douche and he just wanted me to like him. I would like to add to this saying My opinion is obviously bias and this guy isn't actually a douche apparently some chicks like that shit just not me. The guys I talk about in this post are somewhat decent humans they are just not my cup of tea. My dating expectations have obviously altered since dating these men and I now have impossibly high standards however it is good to know what you do and do not like. These guys all firmly fit into that category of I do not like. I would also like to add that the one guy that has told me he loved me I laughed out of awkwardness and that pretty much shows the emotional stability of a 12-year-old.

Do you like these kinds of blog posts? Or should I stick to more of my usual posts?
let me know in the comments below.


  1. For a long time I was always the single girl with a few relationships but not that serious (like a few weeks or months and I was really sad at some point) one day love knocked at my door with expecting it. I am sure one day it will happen to you and you will see "roses" and "morning texts" (maybe it will be something else) differently!
    xo, Margot

    1. I love hearing how other people find love! Loved that blog post of yours by the way :)

  2. I think writing some things about love life in blog is fine but I know that some of my colleagues read it I don't want to make it look too personal in this area of life. :D Almost two year ago I decided that I've seen too many not so interesting men that decided to be single for at least couple years. I was though using Tinder but for me it was a game. I did not want to meet anyone I just was curious who else is there and what kind of people there is nearby. One day I decided that I'll play Tinder for one more long bus ride but then I'll delete it. Well, in that night bus I matched with an amazing man with whom I've now been engaged for almost an year. Some day life can surprise you too. :)

    Best, Nora /

    1. I agree with what you are saying about Tinder being a game, I don't see it as somewhere that i will find my soulmate! I That is awesome that you met someone on there, I did meet a few people but none of them were the one unfortunately!

  3. This was such an interesting read to be honest :D I've never been on Tinder, I kind of skipped that phase and I've been with my hubby for 7 years together so I've never even downloaded Tinder haha. I've heard some brutal stories of it from friends though :D

    1. Be thankful you skipped that phase, haha!!!!!!! My sister got to skip that phase as well and i am so jealous!

  4. I enjoyed this post, even though I did go on a dating app before me and my partner got together (about a year after a 5 year relationship ended) and that is an experience I don't want to repeat

    1. I wouldn't recommend dating apps, and it sounds like you wouldn't either! I am so glad I am not the only one with that opinion.

  5. Dating apps aren't something I have experience with. I am married and happy with my hubs

  6. What an interesting post to read! Before I met my bf, I did have a phase where I tried out online dating but it just did not work for me haha. I wish I could say I had a better experience on Tinder but I didn't! lol xo, sharon

    1. Online dating is so much effort, I am also a much better flirt in person. Tinder seems to have a lot of interesting stories that go with it!

  7. Thank you so much, I love your comment!
