2016 started off with passing high school and getting accepted into university. This came with a lot of stress. The stress involved picking a university, and finding a flat in another city. I also go to visit a lot of family which was awesome.
I moved to a new city, got my restricted license and started uni all within two days. February was busy, long and stressful. This month was also very daunting, I have anxiety (to say that is an understatement) however with uni my anxiety wasn't that bad, I think was more because I didn't have time to process things and thus, no time get anxious however I will never forget the 30seconds that I was at the lights that I suddenly felt anxious. The light soon turned green and the anxiety quickly disappeared.
March was pretty much filled with uni assignments, not really to much else.
April was a good month. My birthday is on a public holiday which meant that i had a three day weekend for my 18 combine this with the fact it was 3 of my other friedan 18th it equalled an amazing weekend with an amazing bunch of friends and too much alcohol consumed. Regardless, it was still a good weekend and was a nice break from uni even if I did regret it the next day. This month also had its ups and downs. I had a pretty bad depressive episode at the end of the month, it started off with driving to work, I got there and burst into tears, literally had a meltdown in the carpark of work. That was fun and stressful. I drove home and called my aunty and went and stayed with them for a few days. This did mean that I missed uni and work but it was for my mental health and that should always be number 1.

May was also pretty boring catching up on assignments from my meltdown (haha, sh*t I was a mess) and basically getting my shit together as well.
June was the same as March although I was in a much better mood because I had holidays coming up and was going to Niue in July.
Most of the month I spent with family and in Niue. I loved Niue and it is such a beautiful place. You can check out my blog post on Niue here. I also started second semester at uni, same old thing as semester one.
August, September.
I'm going to combine the two because they were pretty boring. I kept going to therapy as I had throughout the year which was hard because my therapist is in Whangarei and I was living in Auckland but I managed it and it has resulted in me kicking my mental illness in the butt, maybe not really kicking it in the butt but I have made so much progress and if I may say I am proud of myself. I also starting going to a young adults christian group which was amazing and over the last few months I have continues to explore my faith which is also something that I will continue to do. I also moved house, forgot about that one although is probably of some importance!
The friend I met at uni who had become one of my best friends called me a f%^&ing b^%&h (still don't know why). Yea, so that happened. Obviously, We are no longer friends.
I finished exams (thank goodness!), moved back to Whangarei (only over summer), and relaunched my blog. November was amazing! There really isn't anything else to say.
I feel like this was the same as everyone else December. It was controlled by Christmas, I also participated in blogmas and got my end of the year results (We aren't talking about those).
It was an amazing year, although it had its up and downs but I got through it in one piece!
What was your 2016 highlights? What month was your most eventful?
Let me know in the comments below.
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